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Become a Storyteller

Kindle Corner Storytelling (KCS)Training 

The sessions will develop literacy through creating a love and passion for ‘reading’ 

Our aim is to deliver storytelling sessions which engages and inspires every child who is listening to you telling a story! 

Kindle Corner Storytelling ‘10 steps’ success criteria: 

1. Perform & Create Pleasure

2. Entertain 

3. Plan and Prepare (yourself and your audience)

4. Props and puppets

5. Practice

6.Use non verbal cues to bring the story to life 

7. Projection, pitch and pace

8. Pause and pose

9. Pages (print and pictures)

10.Ask questions, talk partners 


Session 1 : Observe KCS Leader

To observe one of the KCS- Leaders 

Session 2: KCS Team session (KCS to lead)

In this session you will plan with one of the KCS-leaders/mentor who will mentor you to plan and deliver the session.  

Session 3 : KCS Team session   (KCS trainee to lead)

You will plan and deliver a KCS session independently. KCS leader/mentor will give you feedback. 

Session 4 : KCS Trainee session

Independently plan and deliver KCS session. 

Top Tips for planning your session :

* Choose a story age appropriate, one you enjoy and love to read!

* Think about how you will incorporate the KCS success criteria in your session. 


Remember you are the role model, showing children how to, enjoy the pleasure of reading. 

We look forward to supporting you through this adventure to become a Kindle Corner storyteller. 

Thank you

Kindle Corner Team

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